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WWII  WW2 Re-enactment Reenactor reenactment re-enactment HRS WWII-HRS Inc

"More Majorum"

"In the tradition of those before us."



US Airborne in action
(Photo by Bob D300Shooter1 WWII HRS Flickr photo group)

As the veterans and monuments of World War Two grow old and the nation rediscovers its heritage of that era, the World War Two Historical Re-enactment Society continues to move forward.

Since 1975, the WWII Historical Reenactment Society has brought history to life as an educational hobby, providing its members and the public with an authentic, safe time machine to the 1940s, using authentic uniforms, equipment, and vehicles. The membership of our organization is composed of historians, teachers, students, military collectors, veterans, and others interested in the Second World War. Members provide displays and battle simulations for the public, tactical simulations for members, school presentations, veteran's reunions, air show displays, parade participation, and other community events when called upon.

The WW II Historical Reenactment Society is dedicated to keeping World War Two history alive and in the public eye and to honor the veterans as well as preserving World War Two artifacts. We look forward to continuing in our mission to grow interest in historical re-enacting as an educational hobby.


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The WWII HRS Inc., is a 501 (C) (4) Not-for-Profit Organization

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